About Recipe Watch


How do you compare recipes of different serving sizes / numbers of servings?

For comparisons, recipes are compared calorie-for-calorie, the theory being that the type of calories is what matters most. You'd rather 200 calories filled with vitamins and important macronutrients than "empty calories." Similarly if you're trying to avoid certain things like fat or carbs then obviously you'd rather get your calories from other sources than fat or carbs.

Why does there sometimes appear to be outsized effect from fat on the nutrition of a recipe?

Fat is more energy dense than protein and carbohydrates, more than twice as dense. Fat is approximately 9 calories per gram, while protein and carbs are each approximately 4 cal/gram. So basically when using an equal weight of fatty ingredients, these contribute more to the overall calories of the recipe.


For any questions or comments, contact us at recipewatchapp@gmail.com